The eXperience Induction Machine located in the laboratory for Synthetic Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS) in Barcelona, Spain, is one of the most advanced mixed-reality spaces available today. XIM is a human accessible, fully instrumented space. In XIM multiple users can simultaneously freely move around and interact with the physical and virtual world (Bernardet et al., 2010; Bernardet et al., 2010; Bernardet, Inderbitzin, et al., 2008). Unlike other installations, the construction of XIM reflects a clear, two-fold research agenda: Firstly, to understand human experience and behavior in complex ecologically valid situations that involve full body movement and interaction. Secondly, to build mixed-reality systems based on our current psychological and neuroscientific understanding, and to validate these systems by deploying them in the control and realization of mixed-reality systems. Size ca 5.5m x 5.5m x 4m Steerable lights (LightFingers) Steerable color cameras (Gazers) Input for multi-modal tracking system Visitors perceive that the space is looking at them. Video projectors View into the virtual world Interactive floor tiles Position information Display light effects


Social cooperation and competition in the mixed reality space eXperience Induction Machine XIM. Martin Inderbitzin, Sytse Wierenga, Aleksander Väljamäe, Ulysses Bernardet, and Paul Verschure. Virtual Reality, 13(3):153--158, 2009. [ bib ]

The eXperience Induction Machine: A New Paradigm for Mixed-Reality Interaction Design and Psychological Experimentation. Ulysses Bernardet, Sergi Bermúdez i Badia, Armin Duff, Martin Inderbitzin, Sylvain Le Groux, Jônatas Manzolli, Zenon Mathews, Anna Mura, Aleksander Väljamäe, and Paul F.M.J Verschure, pages 357--379. Springer Verlag, 2010. [ bib ]

Quantifying human subjective experience and social interaction using the eXperience Induction Machine. Ulysses Bernardet, Aleksander Väljamäe, Martin Inderbitzin, Sytse Wierenga, Anna Mura, and Paul Verschure. Brain Research Bulletin, 85:305--312, 2010. [ bib | http ]